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Veggie Box #6, 2020

Updated: Oct 16, 2020

Hi Friends of the farm!  Budgie here writing from farm headquarters. You guys are awesome and thank you so much for supporting us.  This season has been a hustle and we are so very appreciative that you're here running alongside us in this; cheering us along.  We will keep working as hard as we possibly can to bring you the best food this farm can offer. The Pemberton heat is here and this is when it gets real interesting out there. Thank you... thank you!

What's in Veggie Box #6: Zucchini- Wow these plants produce! Cucumber-  Garden classic The first tomatoes -  If your tomato is not perfectly ripe, please leave it on the counter to ripen for a day or so.   We are on the edge of tomato sandwich season.. Best season of all! New Potatoes- These are the first of Across the Creeks German butter potatoes. New potato skins aren't set so they tear very easily.  These are only available for a small window in the season and we wanted to share this with you.  The most popular Pemberton potato served young and not cured is a special thing. Enjoy Young onions-  Onions are starting to bulb up. Did you know this is triggered by the length of day changing? Spigariello- One more go at the Spig! We discussed this in a previous mail Collard Greens- Please google these. So healthy and versatile.  Traditionally cooked but more recently used as wrap material.  We do this all the time. Patty pan-  We managed to get  one or two of these in each box.  Roast them whole or halved on a pan with oil salt and vinegar.  It is essentially a funny shaped zucchini but has a different feel Fresh Garlic-  One of our most difficult and valuable crops.  There is such a story behind our garlic .. and so many photos.  I can't wait to have a chance to write a proper newsletter.    This Garlic is not yet cured and just pulled out of the ground.  We suggest you start working through it now. There will be more.  

Flowers (Statice and Strawflower) - It is special in that these flowers are chosen specifically for you to hang and dry. They will last forever this way.

Flower Care Video from Kerry

One of the great things about the box program is you get to try these vegetables just as they are picked.. essentially nearly still breathing ;)  We really feel this is the real magic in the taste of local farm goods.   Farm Fresh. It's going to be a hot one!  


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