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Veggie Box #11, 2020

Updated: Oct 16, 2020

There were some real nice Broccoli's out there this week!  Enjoy!

Hi there... I'm pretty sure I promised a bit of a communication breakdown a few weeks ago after sending out sunflower details.  Promises made, promises kept :).   It's been a wild ride running that sunflower field alongside the vegetable farm.  It looks as if we will be getting a bit quieter next week and we can't wait to fill you in with more news.  So much has happened!   

But for now...  we wanted to discuss that one item that I bet is stumping at least a few of you in the box. Brussels sprout tops!   These are growing in popularity and really do taste great.  There is such a short window to get a chance this young tender green.. here's your chance.  Once a year every year!  If you google them.. you'll get a c chance to read about them.. and  Kerry also filmed a quick video to help you out.

Brussels Sprouts Tops.. why they are so great and what to do with them

Pemberton and Squamish.. you got melons in your box this week!  We were so worried that these would not finish in this odd cool summer...  Whistler you will see them next week.  Brace yourselves, there's nothing like a fresh melon.  Once these cantaloupes are yellowish-orange, you want to eat them right away!  Don't' put this off as they will keep ripening and go past perfect rather quick.  Melons have a touchy timeline and you don't want to miss out!

OK talk soon!  John has a few great pieces about the farm he'd love to share and we'd love to fill you in with more news and photos.  We will be in touch soon with all of this!


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